酒店外观 | Maritim Hotel & Conference Center Taicang

Maritim Hotel & Conference Center Taicang

电话: +86 (0) 512-56667777, rsvn@tai-maritim.com.cn



Shuangfeng Town

Shuangfeng town enjoys profound culture and a long religious history. It has been honored as a National Beautiful Town, Home of China's Mutton Food and the Base of National Fishing Training Competition.


十四世纪,中国最著名的航海家郑和就是从太仓港开启他的远洋之旅。 这座靠近长江入海口的历史古城区拥有地道美食,在此游历将是一生难忘的记忆。


苏州始建于公元前 514 年,拥有被联合国教科文组织誉为世界遗产的古典园林,游客在此将感受到中国悠久的历史。 沿大运河而行,让人不禁仿佛置身于明清时代。 无论是走进特色茶馆和小剧场还是穿梭于风景如画的园林,都是一种独一无二的体验。


As one of the noted historic and cultural cities in the country, Shanghai has more than 70 sites of historical interest and cultural relics, which best represent the distinctive characteristic of Shanghai regional culture. Shanghai is the Paradise of gourmets, where you may find thousands of restaurants that serve a complete list of China's major famous cuisines and various foreign foods. Shanghai also received the name of 'Exhibition of the World Architecture'. The city has a collection of buildings with different architectural styles along the Bund and elsewhere of the city. The Financial and Trade Building, the International Convention Center and the Oriental Pearl Television Tower in Pudong Area, flanked by the magnificent Nanpu and Yangpu Bridges, which are connected by the city's elevated inner beltway, and the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Grand Theater on People Square. All these bring the city a brand-new look. From the Maritim Hotel & Conference Center Taicang, it takes only 20 minutes with the high-speed train to reach the center of Shanghai.



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